Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hi! I am a fullstack software engineer. Prior to becoming an engineer, I had obtained a bachelors degree in illustration, since I wanted to pursue education in something creative. After graduating, I worked in auto insurance as a claims rep for a bit, but quickly realized that I needed a career with a creative outlet, and that's where I found programming. I took an intense six-month bootcamp at App Academy to sharpen my skills, both technically and behaviorally. With my knowledge of design and software development, I can creative beautiful and functional works of art, and aspire to create more such work.



The Net Archives

The Net Archives is a Full Stack CRUD clone of GoodReads, with a focus on all media in the cyberpunk genre. Built with Javascript, Express, React/Redux, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, and CSS.


SeedStarter is a Full Stack CRUD clone of KickStarter, with a focus on funding local projects and businesses. Created with Python, Flask, React/Redux, SQLAlchemy, Alembic and CSS.

Yarn Notes

Yarn Notes is a Full Stack CRUD app that is an Evernote clone for keeping track of crochet and knitting projects. Built with Javascript, Express, React/Redux, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, and CSS.